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In Divorces, Look out for the Moving Target.

This past week I spent a considerable amount of time in an effort to help my client to see that there was not going to be any winning through the court system.  She was emotionally drained and physically ill from years of disputes with her former husband.  What became clear, from our point of view, was that the cost of the litigation was going to eat up and exceed the very best outcome which the Court would decree.  To her credit, my client listened to the advice of this Fort Lauderdale area divorce attorney with forty-years of experience, Kim Douglas Sherman, and she made the practical and proper decision to move forward with a bitter settlement.  To our surprise, having met the terms of the settlement as it had been communicated by the former husband’s counsel, new terms and conditions were raised by the former husband.  Even in agreeing to the original terms, the former wife was presented with terms that disemboweled the meager benefit of the potential bargain. After a long weekend, a re-analysis revealed that there was a new basis for agreement.  While the negotiation continues, the fight goes on–which means that everyone will lose, except for the attorneys.


Here are suggestions to assist in negotiations to avoid the “moving target”:

  • While it is enticing to negotiate verbally, obtain written terms at each step of the negotiations.
  • Make sure to take the time to consider each offer before responding.
  • Be practical and consider the costs, both financial and emotional, to failing to settle.
  • At the earliest opportunity try to be clear on what the other side actually needs to reach an agreement.


If you have questions or concerns about Divorce Law in Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, Florida, or you need a family law attorney to discuss your legal options, call me, Kim Douglas Sherman, Esquire at (954) 489-9500.  Please look at our qualifications set forth on our website.  Be clear about the terms of potential proposed settlements and avoid the moving target.  I look forward to helping you and your family.