Good Advice from Fort Lauderdale Family Law Attorney, Kim Douglas Sherman

Divorce and Family Law Attorney States Financial Problems as
Cause for Dissolution of Marriage

Where is the love? Where did it go? After thirty-eight years of practicing divorce and family law in the Ft. Lauderdale, Florida area, Attorney Kim Sherman has found that financial problems are the most prevalent cause of families to break up.  From watching television talk shows and dramas, you would think that the cause of family break down was always the intrusion of another love interest, but Mr. Sherman’s experience supports financial problems as the most common cause.


For this Fort Lauderdale family law attorney, his first advice is to tell his clients not to give up so easily.  Mr. Sherman thinks that ethically, it is a family law attorney’s first duty to ask whether there is anything that can be done to save the marriage.  Not just to ask, but Mr. Sherman says, to offer advice about the resources available.  Is there a trusted relative or friend of the spouses who could give advice?  Is there a member of the clergy available to give family spiritual counseling and support?  Is there a financial expert who could give the marital partners a formula to repair their financial issues?


Attorney Sherman Particularly Considerate of Children during Divorce Process.

When there are children, family law attorney Sherman is especially sensitive to the complication of divorce issues.  Mr. Sherman will often recommend a qualified family psychologist and specialist in child-sharing issues. The Florida family court requires that parents take a course designed to assist divorcing parents deal with the issues that will confront the parents and children associated with the divorce process.  Mr. Sherman supports the approach of getting the parents to address the children’s issues early in the process—before filing a lawsuit for divorce.

Other than what people have learned from their parents’ marriages, there is no course on how to have and how to maintain a successful marriage.  Likewise, there is no course on how you should go about obtaining a successful dissolution of marriage.  For people looking for a divorce attorney in Ft. Lauderdale, Kim Sherman says that good faith attempts at counseling can save many marriages.  The time and effort is never wasted, even if reconciliation fails, because the foundation will have been laid for a peaceful, mature, cooperative parting process.  Both marital partners can feel that they gave their marriage their best effort.


Kim Sherman says Collaborative Law Method Offers Multi-Faceted Approach.

If you think your spouse has the willingness to give a best effort at out of court resolutions, Family Lawyer Sherman says, “Try finding lawyers who are trained Collaborative Lawyers.”  With Collaborative Lawyers, you get a team approach to problem solving, with your professionals committed to achieve resolutions that every member of the family can live with and work with for the long term. How about this for a progressive approach: you sit down with your spouse and your lawyers right off the bat.  Together, as a team, you identify the points of agreement and those in conflict.  You hire on additional professionals to assist the progress towards an amicable divorce. If an accountant, an appraiser, an expert in child issues, or an expert in mental health issues is needed, the team makes those arrangements.


For more information on Collaborative Family Law in the South Florida area, go to the website of the Collaborative Family Law Professionals of South Florida at For more information on the Collaborative Family Law concept worldwide, go to the website of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals at


Get more information about Fort Lauderdale Family Law Attorney, Kim Douglas Sherman. Please call 954-489-9500 or go to